Although humans assume that wild creatures constantly duel to the death, the truth is that animals go to great lengths to avoid their rare fights. Watch spellbound as Bighorn smash, Elk clash and Bison brawl beneath talon-tied Eagles! Massive Moose to sleek Weasels, from Lynx to Badgers, Foxes and Otters, size is no object as all turn into fierce gladiators in this amazing spectacle of paws, jaws and claws.
Observe awesome attacks on humans and see narrow escapes which will make you shudder. Witness dramatic confrontations with Bison, Alligator and Rattlesnake. Learn why the Jellyfish and Honeybee are far more dangerous to people than the Wolf, Killer Whale and Black Bear. Learn lifesaving tips which will provide the knowledge you need to safely coexist with wild beasts in our great outdoors.
Watch spellbound as mighty Grizzly and ferocious Cougar come to savage blows. Witness attacks on humans by deadly Whitetail Deer and dive-bombing Goshawk. Meet the blood-drinking Vampire Bat. See a Rattlesnake using deadly venom on its arch-enemy - the incredible Roadrunner. We explore both fact and fable, and we discover the truths behind the strong mythic images of these animal totems.
Narrated by Robert Redford, this film explores the dramatic relationship between predator and prey. They are shown not as fearsome enemies of humans or of each other, but, rather, as vital parts of a balanced wilderness ecosystem doing what Nature intended - killing to eat. The story stresses the importance of preserving the Predators as an integral part of the beauty, mystery and diversity of life.