(Scene is listed above, the Wild America Program it is from is below)

Alligators bellowing mating
Remarkable Reptiles

American Toads calling mating
Wild Babies

Anole displaying courting
Remarkable Reptiles

Antelope fighting mating
Born to Run

Arctic Foxes courting mating
Family of Foxes

Badgers fighting courting
Belligerent as a Badger

Bass courting spawning
Billion Dollar Bass

Bats flying mating birthing
Beneficial Bats

Bats fighting mating
Wild Refuge

Bears playing mating
Shades of Gray

Bears socializing mating
Time of the Grizzly

Bighorn fighting courting

Bighorn fighting mating
Mountain Monarchs

Bison fighting mating
People of the Bison

Black Bears playing mating
Shades of Gray

Blues Butterflies flying mating
Beautiful Blues

Bobcats greeting mating

Bobwhite Quail calling mating
Pretty as a Quail

Brook Trout swimming spawning
Mountain Monarchs

Buffalo fighting mating
People of the Bison

Butterflies flying mating
Beautiful Blues

Chipmunks frisking mating
Chipmunks of Yosemite

Cottontails fighting courting
Cottontails and Kin

Cougars sparring mating
Wild Cats

Coyotes greeting mating
Controversial Coyote

Crane courtship dance
At the Crossroads

Cutthroat Trout jousting spawning
Cutthroat: Grizzly Creek

Deer fighting mating
Pennsylvania Whitetail

Desert Tortoise fighting mating
Remarkable Reptiles

Diamondback Rattlesnakes fighting courting

Doves courting mating
Birds of Peace

Ducks flying courting mating
Wings over the Marsh

Earthworms meeting mating
Timberdoodles of Moosehorn

Elephant Seals sparring mating
Season of the Seals

Elk bugling fighting mating
Valley of the Elk

Elk fighting mating
Olympic Odyssey

Foxes fighting mating
Family of Foxes

Franklin’s Grouse flying displaying
In the Forest

Frogs courting mating
Prince of the Pond

Frogs swimming pawning
Shenandoah Springtime

Fur Seals displaying mating birthing
Living with Wildlife

Gambusia swimming birthing
Fascinating Fishes

Gray Squirrels chasing mating

Gray-banded Kingsnakes wrestling mating
Wild Texas

Greater Prairie Chickens courting displaying mating
Dancers of the Dawn

Grizzly bears meeting mating
Time of the Grizzly

Grouse drumming mating
The Grouse and the Goshawk

Grouse flying displaying
In the Forest

Hooded Mergansers swimming mating
Woodies and Hoodies

Hybrid Grouse courtship display
Animal Oddities

Kestrels flying mating
Wild Wings

Kingsnakes fighting mating
King of Snakes

Kingsnakes wrestling mating
Wild Texas

Land Snails crawling mating
A Multitude of Mollusks

Largemouth Bass courting spawning
Billion Dollar Bass

Leopard Frogs courting mating
Prince of the Pond

Lesser Prairie Chickens courting displaying mating
Dancers of the Dawn

Lynx bonding mating
North Woods Lynx

Mallard Ducks flying courting mating
Wings over the Marsh

Marmots kissing greeting
Marmot Mountain

Mergansers swimming mating
Woodies and Hoodies

Mink fighting mating
Minnesota Mink

Moose rutting fighting mating
Magnificent as a Moose

Mountain Goats fighting mating

Mountain lions mating birthing
Wild Cats

Mourning Doves courting mating
Birds of Peace

Muskrats preening parenting
Old Man Muskrat

Mustangs fighting courting mating
Year Of The Mustang-Part 1

Opossums climbing mating
All-American Animals

Pileated Woodpeckers flying mating
Woodpeckers-Nature's Hammerheads

Porcupine courting urinating
The Prickly Porcupine

Possums climbing mating
All-American Animals

Prairie Chickens courting displaying mating
Dancers of the Dawn

Pronghorn fighting mating
Born to Run

Quail calling mating
Pretty as a Quail

Rabbits fighting courting
Cottontails and Kin

Raccoons climbing mating
Ringtailed Rascals

Rattlesnakes fighting and courting

Ravens courting flights
Canyon Creatures

Red Foxes fighting mating
Family of Foxes

Rocky Mountain Elk fighting mating
Valley of the Elk

Roosevelt Elk jousting mating
Olympic Odyssey

Ruffed Grouse drumming mating
The Grouse and the Goshawk

Sage Grouse courting displaying mating
Dancers of the Dawn

Salmon swimming spawning
Fascinating Fishes

Salmonflies congregating mating
Cutthroat: Yellowstone River

Scissortailed Flycatchers flying courting
Call to Courtship

Seals displaying mating birthing
Living with Wildlife

Seals fighting mating
Season of the Seals

Sharptailed Grouse courting displaying mating
Dancers of the Dawn

Skunks fighting mating
Those Smelly Skunks

Snails crawling mating
A Multitude of Mollusks

Snipe flying winnowing displaying
Call to Courtship

Sparrow Hawks flying mating
Wild Wings

Spicebush Swallowtails courting mating
The Beauty of Butterflies

Squirrels climbing mating

Striped Skunks fighting mating
Those Smelly Skunks

Swallowtails courting mating
The Beauty of Butterflies

Toads calling mating
Wild Babies

Tortoise mating
Remarkable Reptiles

Trout swimming spawning
Cutthroat: Grizzly Creek

Trout swimming spawning
Mountain Monarchs

Turkeys courting mating
Wild Turkey-Part 2

Turtles crawling mating
The Truth about Turtles

Wapiti fighting bugling mating

Weasels fighting mating
Weasels: Sleek & Savage-Part 1

Whitetail Deer fighting mating
Pennsylvania Whitetail

Wild Boar fighting mating
Hog Wild!

Wild Hogs fighting mating
Hog Wild!

Wild Horses fighting courting mating
Year Of The Mustang-Part 1

Wild Turkeys courting mating
Wild Turkey-Part 2

Wood Ducks displaying mating
Woodies and Hoodies

Wood Frogs congregating spawning
Shenandoah Springtime

Wood Turtles crawling mating
The Truth about Turtles

Woodcocks displaying mating
Timberdoodles of Moosehorn

Woodpeckers flying mating
Woodpeckers-Nature's Hammerheads