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Cue Reference Sheet 1 - (00:01 - 01:04)
Cue Reference Sheet 2 - (01:05 - 09:25)
is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License
52 files
As If By Magic.mp3
Baby Animal Montage 1.mp3
Baby Animal Montage 2.mp3
Bear Roars.mp3
Beautiful Aerial.mp3
Bobcat Shakes Feet.mp3
Cockle Shell Escapes.mp3
Crew at Campfire.mp3
Den Transition 1.mp3
Den Transition 2.mp3
Den Transition 3.mp3
Digging to the Next Day 1.mp3
Digging to the Next Day 2.mp3
Drunk Animals 2.mp3
End Cougar.mp3
First Scallop Escapes.mp3
Geek String.mp3
Happy Conclusion.mp3
Happy Duck Ending.mp3
Happy Ending.mp3
Harp Sting.mp3
Mink Man 1.mp3
Mink Man 2.mp3
Moonrise Transition.mp3
Mountain Scene.mp3
Music Punctuation.mp3
Opening Flowers.mp3
Piano Stings Autumn.mp3
Pond Time Lapse.mp3
Positive Ending.mp3
Red Wolf Transition.mp3
River to Stream Transition.mp3
Salmon Fly Larva Under Rock.mp3
Shallow Tailed Kite to Sunrise.mp3
Stings as Trout Grabs Scud.mp3
Time Lapse Sunset to Prairie 1.mp3
Time Lapse Sunset to Prairie 2.mp3
Transition from Alpine to Sage.mp3
Transition to Older Dove Chicks.mp3
Trap Springs Shut.mp3
Wolf Weasel Conflict 2.mp3
Wood Duckling Jumps 3.mp3
Woodchuck Fall 1.mp3
Woodchuck Fall 2.mp3
Woody Duckling Jumps 1.mp3
Woody Duckling Jumps 2.mp3
Young Wolves 1.mp3
52 files
Animal Love.mp3
Animals Have a Bad Day.mp3
Arrowhead Sunset.mp3
Blue Butterflies Mating.mp3
Close-up of Badger w Ringneck in Mouth.mp3
Closing Sunset.mp3
Country Jam 2.mp3
Cross Fox Snowshoe Hare Chase Continues.mp3
Cutthroat Leaps 1.mp3
Diane Places Sad Fishers in Cage.mp3
Eagle Flies.mp3
Ferrets Hunt Prairie Dog.mp3
Fishers Dive Across Counter Into Trash Can.mp3
Fox Gets Wet.mp3
Hawk Attacks Ground Squirrel.mp3
Herd on the Move 2.mp3
Herd on the Move.mp3
Indian Flute Dreams.mp3
Marty Chases Porcupine.mp3
Marty Exits Tent and Leaves.mp3
Marty Got Sprayed.mp3
Marty Rides at Sunset.mp3
Marty Sees Tracks in the Snow.mp3
Mink Family Goodbye.mp3
Moonrise Over a Winter Prairie.mp3
Old Time Transition.mp3
Orange Sunset.mp3
Owl Grabs Mouse.mp3
Raccoon & Copperhead.mp3
Radula Montage.mp3
Rivals Meeting.mp3
Roots & Plants Grow.mp3
SPC 1B.mp3
Scud Exits.mp3
Second Scallop Escapes.mp3
Skunk Fight Part 1.mp3
Spring Blossom Montage.mp3
Sunset Time-lapse.mp3
The Bald Eagle.mp3
Time-lapse Clouds Forming.mp3
Time-lapse Sunset Ending.mp3
Transition Desert to Colorado.mp3
Transition Night into Morning.mp3
Tree Cutting.mp3
Variation on Theme.mp3
Wild Boar Chases Slo Mo.mp3
Winter Approach Seasonal Time-lapse.mp3
Winter Wonderland.mp3
Wolverine Chases Snowshoe Hare.mp3
Wounded Elk Blizzard Raging.mp3
52 files
Bat Takes-off Goodbye to Mice.mp3
Butterfly Theme 2.mp3
Canadian Lynx Fight.mp3
Chick Falls Asleep to Desert Sunrise.mp3
Cold Winter.mp3
Dove Hunt Ends Transition to Autumn.mp3
Elk Frolic and Play.mp3
Fishers Part 2 Introduction.mp3
Fishers are Released.mp3
Foxes Play.mp3
Ground Squirrel Awakes.mp3
Ground Squirrel Harvest Prickly Pear.mp3
Herf on the Move Exit.mp3
Howdie Duckling Jumps.mp3
Ice Flows.mp3
Just a Little Mystery.mp3
Moonrise to Campfire Transition.mp3
Mountain Aerial to Tundra Aerial.mp3
Northern Lights.mp3
Opening Theme PBS Demo.mp3
Ozark Sunrise.mp3
Pacific Salmon Struggle over Rapids.mp3
Park Pan.mp3
Pocket Gopher Digging.mp3
Polar Bears.mp3
Polar Frenzy.mp3
Poorwill Back to Sleep.mp3
Robin Meets Red Squirrel.mp3
SPC 1C.mp3
Scorpion Tail Lash.mp3
Season Time-lapse.mp3
Sparrowhawk Mating.mp3
Spider Munch.mp3
Spruce Grouse Wing Clap.mp3
Squirrel Chase down Ponderosa.mp3
Stars and Clouds Time-lapse.mp3
The Awaking.mp3
Time-lapse Sunset Over the Mountains.mp3
Time-lapse Sunset into Sunrise.mp3
Turkey Strut.mp3
Turtle Attackers Crayfish.mp3
Turtle Bite.mp3
Weasel Field Mouse Slo Mo Catch.mp3
Welcome to the World.mp3
Wolf Weasel Conflict.mp3
Wolverine Conclusion.mp3
Young Badgers Attack Prairie Dog.mp3
Young Badgers Head out on Their Own.mp3
52 files
Badger Bobcat Confrontation.mp3
Badlands Opening Montage.mp3
Bobcat Dropping the Fog.mp3
Caribou Herd on the Move.mp3
Chase 1.mp3
Crossfox Hunts Snowshoe Hare.mp3
Cub Peers Over Ledge.mp3
Cups Play Water Fight.mp3
Eagle Threat.mp3
Eagles Eating & Walking Funny.mp3
Early Indians Hunt Bison.mp3
Echo Canyon.mp3
Fisher Stings.mp3
Fla Tree Snail on Parade.mp3
Fox Pheasant.mp3
Frog Eats Cricket.mp3
Funny Animal Walk.mp3
Glacier Bear Transition.mp3
Goodbye Ducklings.mp3
Hen Pecked Male to Sunset.mp3
Herd on the Move.mp3
Mantis Theme.mp3
Marsh Sunset.mp3
Marten Succesfully Hunts to Time-lapse.mp3
Mink with Babies Lullaby.mp3
Misc Flute.mp3
Mouse Decomposes.mp3
Owl Misses Baby in Burrow.mp3
Plots Hatch.mp3
Porcupine Escape.mp3
Razorback Sucker Close-up.mp3
Red-tailed Fox Cottontail Chase 3.mp3
SPC 1B.mp3
Season Change.mp3
Seed Growing.mp3
Sky Sequence.mp3
Snowshoe Hare Marten Chase.mp3
Soaring Flight.mp3
Spring Sunrise Exit.mp3
Swan & Squirrels.mp3
The Arrowheads.mp3
The Balloon Cam Flies_.mp3
Three Way Split Screen.mp3
Thundering Trout Rapids.mp3
Time-lapse Plate Sunset Mountain Winter.mp3
Time-lapse Sunrise.mp3
Transition from Alaska to Africa.mp3
Trout to Lake.mp3
Underwater Yellowstone Lake.mp3
Wall Street to Wilderness.mp3
52 files
Armadillo Race.mp3
Autum to Winter.mp3
Bandtailed Pigeons Land Slo Mo.mp3
Bear Sign Montage.mp3
Big Fight.mp3
Bighorn Emerges Running as Cougar Chases.mp3
Black Bear Lullaby.mp3
Camera Safety.mp3
Campfire to the Majesty of Yellowstone.mp3
Caterpillar Eating Leaf.mp3
Cock Mounts Hen.mp3
Cougar Stalks Turkeys.mp3
Cutthroat Leaps 2.mp3
Danger then Rest.mp3
Dangers of being a Tadpole 1.mp3
Dream of Flowers and Fire.mp3
Eagle Flies Exit.mp3
End Badger in Den to Time-lapse Sunrise.mp3
Fisher Cage to Wilderness Transition.mp3
Flowers Renewal.mp3
Happy Ending Pronghorn Sunset.mp3
Keystone Piano.mp3
Marten Falling Trees 3.mp3
Marten Runs in Snow.mp3
Meet Magoo.mp3
Mink with Babies Lullaby 2.mp3
Mockingbird Mirror.mp3
Mourning Doves Kissing.mp3
Ocelot Chases in Jackson.mp3
Olympic Open Ocean Time-lapse.mp3
Owl Flight.mp3
Red Chitrid.mp3
Red Fox Pups Threaten Marten.mp3
Rescue Attempt.mp3
Rock Doves Fly Slo Mo.mp3
SPC 1E.mp3
Sapsucker Flies.mp3
Sea Turtles Ballet.mp3
Seals Swimming Underwater.mp3
Slo Mo Fox Chases Ground Squirrel.mp3
Slo Mo Release of Sucker's Out of Truck.mp3
Snails Mate.mp3
Spring Returns to the Valley of the Elk.mp3
Stream to Waterfall.mp3
The Hunt.mp3
Yawn Sleep Montage.mp3
Yellowstone Winter Morning.mp3
Zoom into Flowers Rufous Hummers.mp3
52 files
Alligator Cottontail.mp3
Baby Martens Play.mp3
Barnacle Close-up.mp3
Bass Theme.mp3
Bear Attacks Caribou.mp3
Bear Slips.mp3
Blue Shark Swims.mp3
Bobcat Slo Mo Convey Flush.mp3
Caterpillar Frog.mp3
Cliffhangers Close.mp3
Clouds to Forest.mp3
Coyotes and Ringneck.mp3
Cute Baby Lynx Exploring.mp3
Dog Chases Cat into Time-lapse Winter to Spring.mp3
Drunk Animals.mp3
Elk Bugle in the Fog.mp3
Elk on video.mp3
Ferret's Success to Marty's Theme.mp3
Fossil Skull Montage.mp3
Fox Chases Scaled Quail.mp3
Gift of the Sacred Dog.mp3
Grouse Escapes Red Fox.mp3
Hawk Flight.mp3
Immature Goshawk catches Grouse.mp3
MS Falcon Flying.mp3
Mating Frenzy.mp3
Mature Goshawk grabs Mouse.mp3
Montage of Elk Rubbing Antlers on Trees.mp3
Old Jackson to New Jackson 2.mp3
Old Jackson to New Jackson.mp3
Porcupine Time-lapse Plate.mp3
Prairie Dogs Play.mp3
Rat City.mp3
Red Fox Catches Grouse.mp3
Reptilian Meal alt mix.mp3
Reptilian Meal.mp3
Road Runner.mp3
SPC 1E.mp3
Second Flight.mp3
Sunrise Time-lapse to Dandelions.mp3
Swan Fight and Sunset.mp3
The Awakening 2.mp3
The Mysterious Underwater World.mp3
Time-lapse Sunsrise.mp3
Weasel Attacks Ptarmigan Nest.mp3
Yellow Beauty.mp3
52 files
Animals Chase Marty.mp3
Baby Bears.mp3
Baby Muskrat meets Mr Turtle Part 2 Slo Mo.mp3
Bald Eagle Triumph.mp3
Big Bass.mp3
Black Bear Cubs & Hogs.mp3
Bobcat Prairie Chicken Chase.mp3
Bobcat Sneaking up on Ringneck.mp3
Buffalo Fight.mp3
Canada Goose Chases Kids & Otters.mp3
Conclusion - Montage of Hummers.mp3
Cooperhawk & Gambles Quail.mp3
Desert Cottontail Gila Monster.mp3
Eagle Bobcat Confrontation.mp3
First Fight.mp3
Grizzly Fight.mp3
Hanging Around Jumping.mp3
Heat Waves River Dry Things Die.mp3
Kestrel Garter Snake.mp3
Lighting & Artwork.mp3
Marten Squirrel Bear.mp3
Marty with Egg Nest Lichen Bird Arrives.mp3
Mole Catches Worm.mp3
Montage of Bird Family.mp3
Moose Fight.mp3
More Magic.mp3
Mother Feeds Young.mp3
Mouse Deer.mp3
Mouse meets Red Squirrel.mp3
Muskie Eats Minnow Trans to River Time-lapse.mp3
Northwoods Lynx Conclusion.mp3
Olympic Aerial.mp3
Osprey Dive 1.mp3
Pronghorn Fawns Alone.mp3
Sacred Skull.mp3
Skunk Mon.mp3
Slo Mo Eagles Fly and Fight.mp3
Spider Labamba.mp3
Sunset Mohter Grooms.mp3
Time-lapse Flowers.mp3
Trout Foreplay.mp3
Turtle Attackers Cricket.mp3
Turtle Struggle to Breathe.mp3
Water Ballet.mp3
White Bear Gets Stuck.mp3
Wild Babies.mp3
Winter to Spring.mp3
Wolverine Sticks Head Out & Chases.mp3
52 files
Armadillo and Turtle.mp3
Arrowhead Reprise 3.mp3
Baby Prairie Dog Play Ext.mp3
Bat Flight to Carlsbad Caverns.mp3
Bear Fight.mp3
Bear Trees Squirrel.mp3
Bears Wrestle.mp3
Bristlecone Montage Sunset Sunrise.mp3
Cactus Time-lapse.mp3
Coyote Weasel Chase.mp3
Cross Fox - Snowshoe Hare Chase Ends.mp3
Cub Climbs Up Snow Slope.mp3
Cub Drinks at Stream.mp3
Cutthroat - Frog.mp3
Dust Bowl.mp3
Fishers Ransack House.mp3
Fox Chases Scaled Quail.mp3
Good Night Marmot.mp3
Goshawk Hunts Mallard.mp3
Goshawk's Nest.mp3
Grizzly Bear Chases Ground Squirrel.mp3
Hunter & Hunted.mp3
Hunters Capture Boar.mp3
Lynx Hare Chase Part B.mp3
Marty Hannah Seagulls.mp3
Moose & Calf.mp3
Mother & Cubs.mp3
Mother Nurses Baby Cottontails.mp3
Mushroom Grows.mp3
Muskrat Eats Camera Man's Boat.mp3
One Mouse Fights Scorpion.mp3
Otters Slide 2 - More Sliding Fun.mp3
Owls Conclusion.mp3
Piano Tap.mp3
Predator Fish.mp3
Pronghorn Run and Frisk.mp3
Raindrops on Flowers.mp3
Rat Snake.mp3
Rudy Duck Fight Slo Mo.mp3
Slow Babies Music.mp3
Stinky Rocks.mp3
Tease Predators.mp3
The Lemming.mp3
The Raven Legend.mp3
Turtle Fight.mp3
Weasel Chases Squirrel.mp3
Wolves Hunt Caribou.mp3
Wolves in the Night.mp3
Young Badger.mp3
Young Lynx Misses Grouse.mp3
27 files
Alligator & Piglet.mp3
Bass Theme.mp3
Bear Fight.mp3
Bear Knocks Down Tree.mp3
Black & White Music.mp3
Credit Reprise.mp3
Cutthroat Part 2 - Conclusion.mp3
Drunk Deer.mp3
Filaree Blooms.mp3
Fisher Chases Squirrel.mp3
Flycatcher Aerial Courtship.mp3
Gar Eating Transition into Wierd Paddlefish.mp3
Goldenhead Blooms.mp3
Grasshopper Mice Scorpion Tarantula Fight.mp3
Hog Wild Conclusion.mp3
Marten Chases Squirrel.mp3
Old Time Banjo Forest Regrowth.mp3
Opossums Mating Ends.mp3
Red-tailed Kestrel Both Hunt Bats.mp3
SPC 1A.mp3
Slo Mo Grouse Booming.mp3
Swift Fox Raccoon Circle Game.mp3
Time-lapse Flowers.mp3
Underwater Montage.mp3
Willow Time-lapse.mp3
27 files
Armadillo Gator.mp3
Baby Goat Danger.mp3
Bear Fight 1.mp3
Bear Fight 2.mp3
Bird Montage.mp3
Black Footed Ferret.mp3
Canyon Cougar & Deer.mp3
Chase with Happy Ending.mp3
Country Time Bookie.mp3
Dandelion Blooms.mp3
Hoodies Mate.mp3
Man & Cub at Stream.mp3
Moose and Dead Calf.mp3
Night Creatures.mp3
Quail Artwork.mp3
Shorebird Blizzard.mp3
Slow Walk Suspense.mp3
Summer Montage Into Snow.mp3
Swamp People.mp3
Time of the Grizzly Intro.mp3
Time-lapse Sunset to Buffalo Dust Bath.mp3
Trout Spawning.mp3
Wolverines Romp.mp3
27 files
Bear Attack Vampire Bats.mp3
Beautiful Blues Intro.mp3
Cabin & Clouds Time-lapse.mp3
Caribou with Struggling Calf.mp3
Chewing Falling Bears.mp3
Coyote Chase Part 2.mp3
Coyote Stalks Trumeter Swan.mp3
Cute Marmot Hawk Danger.mp3
Elk Frisk in Snow and Summer.mp3
Jungle Jam.mp3
Kids & Otters.mp3
King of Snakes.mp3
Marten Red Squirrel Chase.mp3
McNeil Salmon Leaping.mp3
Musk Ox Lemming Main Theme.mp3
Predatory Land Snail.mp3
Scratch Montage.mp3
Shirk Hawk.mp3
Sunset to Slo Mo Bats Feeding.mp3
The End.mp3
The First Ten Years.mp3
The Next Ten Years A.mp3
This is the End.mp3
Wild Hogs Chase Marty.mp3
17 files
Badger and Turtle to Prairie Storm.mp3
Burrowing Owls and Weasel.mp3
Fishers meet Skunk.mp3
Kestrel Theme.mp3
Little Turtles Emerge.mp3
Lizards & Spiders.mp3
Marten Red Squirrel Winter Chase.mp3
McNeil Bears in Late Afternoon.mp3
Otters with Turtle.mp3
Pronghorn Sheds Horns.mp3
Raven Wind Dance.mp3
Snakedance 2.mp3
The Raven Stallion.mp3
Wolf Cubs.mp3
Wolf Ptarmigan.mp3
17 files
Animals in Conflict.mp3
Bighorn Headbutt Montage.mp3
Birds of Prey.mp3
Coyote Chases.mp3
Dinosaur Claymation.mp3
Fawn Chased by Eagle in Slo Mo.mp3
Great Horned and Red-tailed.mp3
Mule Deer and Cougar.mp3
Owls Intro.mp3
Peccary to Maps of Smoky Mt.mp3
Pronghorn Eagle.mp3
SPC Sampler.mp3
Slo Mo Predator Montage.mp3
Western Grebes Courting.mp3
White Moose.mp3
52 files
Artic Aerial.mp3
Babies Sleep.mp3
Beeper Stops.mp3
Bison Aftermath.mp3
Cottontail Scares Deer.mp3
Cute Ground Squirrel.mp3
Cutthroat Long Leap.mp3
Death of a Herd.mp3
Egrets Fly Off.mp3
Elk and Calf Happy Reunion.mp3
Ground Squirrel Eats Then Runs from Danger.mp3
Happy Ending.mp3
Happy Porcupine.mp3
Intro Counch Debut.mp3
Love Dart Sting.mp3
Marty Plays Harmonica.mp3
Marty Walks Into Woods.mp3
Marty Watches Snakedance.mp3
Masked Bobwhite Release.mp3
Nutria Chase.mp3
Piano Stings.mp3
Piano Strings Winter.mp3
Pine Needles and Dew Drop.mp3
Rats Scurry.mp3
Save the Snapping Turtle.mp3
Seagulls Take-off.mp3
Slo Mo Dove Takes-off.mp3
Snail Babies Emerge.mp3
Snow Fall Transition.mp3
Spring Courtship Flight.mp3
Spring Sunrise.mp3
Storm Clouds Time-Lapse.mp3
Stream Splashes Slo Mo.mp3
Summer to Winter Time-lapse Plate.mp3
Sunrise Time-lapse.mp3
The Grouse and the Goshawk Ending.mp3
Time-lapse Sunset to Moonrise.mp3
Time-lapse Sunset.mp3
Transition_ Cold Mountain to Bare Tundra.mp3
Winter Sunset.mp3
Winter Transition.mp3
Winter to Spring Time-lapse.mp3
Winter to Summer.mp3
Yellowstone Winter Reprise.mp3
Young Wolves.mp3
52 files
African Death to American Life.mp3
Artic Ground Squirrel Hibernates.mp3
Artic Tundra to Alpine Tundra.mp3
Bear to Nutcracker.mp3
Bighorn Jumps on Rock Slides Down.mp3
Bobcat & Mouse.mp3
Cone Opening.mp3
Country Jam.mp3
Cricket Jums Bat Catches.mp3
Deer Sunset Ending.mp3
Foiled Coyote.mp3
Forest Time-lapse Plate Fall Winter Spring.mp3
Fox Pup Jumping Around.mp3
Fox Pups Play.mp3
Glacier Park Aerials.mp3
Grand Finale.mp3
Hog Wild Intro.mp3
Horses Running.mp3
Little Raven Remembers.mp3
Marten Falling Trees 1.mp3
McNeil Sunset.mp3
Mink Attacks Nesting Hen.mp3
Nuthatch Courtship.mp3
Owl Kills Baby.mp3
Piano Ragtime.mp3
Polar Bear Reprise.mp3
Pronghorn Herd Slow Motion.mp3
Raccoon Cottontail.mp3
Red-tailed Fox Cottontail Chase 2.mp3
Red-tailed Squirrel.mp3
SPC 1D.mp3
Sea Turtles Ballet Cont.mp3
Seasonal Time-lapse Tree to Hen on Nest.mp3
Second Seasonal Time-lapse.mp3
Skunks Sleep to Mid-winter Dolly.mp3
Springtime Butterfly.mp3
Squirrel Bear.mp3
Strawberry Roan.mp3
Sunset Time-lapse Over the Marsh.mp3
The Musk Oxen Meet the Lemming Theme.mp3
Time-lapse Muskox Skull into Muskox.mp3
Time-lapse Skull in Badlands.mp3
Time-lapse Sunset Mountain Winter.mp3
Title Theme Wings Over the Marsh.mp3
Transition from Beaver Pond to Cold Mountain.mp3
Winter Moonrise in the Northern Rockies.mp3
Wolverine Fights Wolf.mp3
Wth Help the Turtles will Survive.mp3
52 files
Adirondacks Otter Catches Trout.mp3
African Animals.mp3
Artic Tundra Winds Cold Tundra Winds Blow.mp3
Baby Prairie Dog Play.mp3
Badger Attacks First Time.mp3
Butterfly Theme.mp3
Cat Chases Cottontail.mp3
Clouds Theme.mp3
Daffodils Time-lapse Open.mp3
Eagle Pronghorn Bobcat 1.mp3
Eagle Thief.mp3
Eggs Hatch.mp3
Elk Herd on the Move 2.mp3
Ferrets Play at Night.mp3
Fire Ants.mp3
Fisher Runs Away.mp3
Garter Snake Attacks.mp3
Grouse Running on Snow.mp3
Lamprey Closeup Detaches from Glass.mp3
Last Stand of Scorpion.mp3
Marten Falling Trees 2.mp3
Marty Feeds Cutthroat 1.mp3
Marty Smiles at Fishers Happy Ending.mp3
Marty gets Sprayed 1.mp3
Marty's Interview Time-lapse Canyon Creature.mp3
Mustang Fight.mp3
Old Ruined Barns to Cute Prairie Dog.mp3
Owl Catches Mouse.mp3
Racing Pigeons Fly.mp3
SPC 1C.mp3
SPC 1F.mp3
Sky Spirits.mp3
Snake River Time-lapse.mp3
Spanish Guitar.mp3
Sprouting Plants Time-lapse.mp3
Sunset Time-lapse Ending.mp3
The Majesty of Yellowston.mp3
The Predatory Owl.mp3
Time-lapse Sunset to Crow Flies.mp3
Title Theme People of the Bison.mp3
Transition From Fall to Winter.mp3
Transition from Sage Sunset to Flowers.mp3
Transition from Summer to Fall.mp3
Trout to Lake.mp3
Underwater Yellowstone River.mp3
Valley of the Spirit Bear.mp3
Weasel Survives Then Winter.mp3
Wilderness to Living Room Transition.mp3
Wolverine Pair Fights.mp3
52 files
Adirondacks Sunset.mp3
Ancient Britlesone Forest.mp3
Arches & Clouds.mp3
Baby Muskrat Meets Mr Turtle 1.mp3
Bats Fly to Sunrise.mp3
Bear Investigates Squirrel.mp3
Beautiful Babies.mp3
Bee Point of View.mp3
Bobcat Pigeons Danger.mp3
Butterfly Conclusion.mp3
Caribou Aerial.mp3
Cubs Play in Backyard.mp3
Curious Playful Marten.mp3
Day to Night.mp3
Falling Leaf Montage.mp3
Fishers Chases Squirrel.mp3
Gater Snake Leaves.mp3
Great Gray Owl.mp3
Grizz and Cabin.mp3
Ground Squirrel Morning.mp3
Hanna Watches Fishers to Outdoor Transition.mp3
Herd Moves Encounters Danger.mp3
Iroquois Sunset Time-lapse.mp3
Legends of the Manatee.mp3
Marty Rides in River Slo Mo.mp3
Mature Goshawk Missed.mp3
McNeil Serious Bear Fight.mp3
Mockingbird Attackers Mirror.mp3
Mother Badger Sneaks Up and Kills Prairie Dog.mp3
Mother Squirrel.mp3
Mother with Newborn Babies.mp3
Mouse Bites Scorpion Claw.mp3
Muskox Stampedes Artic Fox.mp3
Osprey Dive 2.mp3
Otters Traveling.mp3
Porcupine - Sunrise.mp3
Porcupine Mountain Scene.mp3
Prairie Dogs Socialize.mp3
Predator Prey Montage.mp3
Rainbow & Church.mp3
Rat Swarm.mp3
Running Wild.mp3
Save the Species.mp3
Staghorn Lichen.mp3
Sunrise and Flower Blooms.mp3
Swamp Critters Intro.mp3
The Palomino.mp3
The Stallions.mp3
Time-lapse Sunset to Winter Storm.mp3
Yellowstone Intro Winter Melancholy Mystery.mp3
52 files
A Cold Winter in Jackson.mp3
Arrowhead Reprise.mp3
Autum to Winter & Fishers Chase Squirrel.mp3
Barber Shop Quartet.mp3
Bear Brothers Raccoon.mp3
Bear Gets Out of Trap.mp3
Beautiful Slo Mo Wildlife.mp3
Blue Flowers.mp3
Blue Ocean Creatures.mp3
Bluebird Hunts Grasshopper.mp3
Bobcat Watching Ringneck - Ready to Pounce.mp3
Burned Prairie Beautiful Water.mp3
Catfish Swallows Worm.mp3
Chipmunks on Pick Nick.mp3
Cockleburr Grows.mp3
Eider Mune Hummingbird.mp3
Elk Herd on the Move.mp3
Grizz Den Winter to Spring.mp3
Grizzly Retreats.mp3
Instant Replay of Muskrat Moose Controntation.mp3
Kestral Catches Butterfly.mp3
Last Stand of Scorpion.mp3
Lynx Stalk.mp3
Macho Marty.mp3
Man & Bear in Den.mp3
Marlboro Man.mp3
Muskrat Seasonal Time-lapse.mp3
Otters Slide - We're really having fun now.mp3
Ozark Time-lapse.mp3
Passenger Pigeon Artwork.mp3
Playful Manatee to Motor Boat.mp3
Red-tail Release Eagle Flies.mp3
Release Triumph.mp3
SPC 1D.mp3
Skunk Fight Part 2.mp3
Slo Mo Kingfisher Dives 1.mp3
Slo Mo Kingfisher Dives 2.mp3
Swan Landing Slo Mo.mp3
The Return Home.mp3
The Spirit Bear.mp3
The Wild Horses.mp3
Turkey Chase to Sunset.mp3
Turkey Peacock.mp3
Two Year Time-lapse.mp3
Underwater - Ray to Whales Swimming.mp3
Weaver to Echo Canyon.mp3
Whale Swim.mp3
White Buffalo Calf Woman.mp3
Winter to Spring Time-lapse.mp3
52 files
Banjo Rag.mp3
Beaver Splashes Moose.mp3
Bison Rut Fights.mp3
Blue to Green.mp3
Cactus Swells.mp3
Clouds Hope.mp3
Cougar Turkey slo mo.mp3
Cougar encounters Shark.mp3
Country Jam.mp3
Curious Playful Marten.mp3
Dangers of being a Tadpole 2.mp3
Eagle Chase Marmot Dies.mp3
Frogs Mating to Icy Tinkle.mp3
Grand Canyon Sunrise.mp3
Grizz & Marty in Cabin.mp3
Hawk makes last Attempt.mp3
Indian Petroglyphs.mp3
Kiabab Squirrel Mating Chase.mp3
Marten Squirrel Chase.mp3
Marty w Dog Team - Slo Mo.mp3
Montana Sunset.mp3
Mt Scene Sliding.mp3
Open for Bear Caribou.mp3
Paddlefish Topwater Transition to Underwater.mp3
Porcupine Fight.mp3
Prairie Dogs Play.mp3
Pygmy Rabbit Escapes.mp3
Round Up.mp3
Snail Fin Mollies.mp3
Snake Strike.mp3
Spider Amber Forest Buds Growing.mp3
Springtime in the Herd.mp3
Star-nosed Mole Catches and Eats Worm.mp3
Sunbursts into Rainbow.mp3
Tail Titles - Fishers Part 2.mp3
The Attack.mp3
The Avalanche.mp3
The Healing Begins.mp3
The Lovely Morning Dove.mp3
The Magic Continues.mp3
The Theif.mp3
Time-lapse Clouds Clearing.mp3
Tortoise Fight.mp3
Track in Time.mp3
Turkey Flight Hunter.mp3
Underwater Balls.mp3
Wolf Fights Caribou Cow.mp3
52 files
Ant Attack.mp3
Baby Kestrels.mp3
Baby Weasels Play.mp3
Badger Enters Den Time-lapse to Spring.mp3
Bat History.mp3
Bear Meets Mink.mp3
Bear Walks 1 .mp3
Bear Walks.mp3
Calves Play.mp3
Cascades - Star Time-lapse.mp3
Cottontail Marten Confrontation.mp3
Courious Marten meets Porcupine.mp3
Crayfish & Kitt Fox Encounter.mp3
Eagle Marmot Chase.mp3
Eagle Soaring.mp3
Fight for Bear Caribou.mp3
Fisher Slo Mo.mp3
Forest Sunset.mp3
Fox Pheasant to Falling Leaves.mp3
Fox Pups Ground Squirrel Play.mp3
Frog Eggs Time-lapse.mp3
Frog Eggs.mp3
Gila Topminnow Transition from Topwater.mp3
Gross Owl.mp3
Ground Level Bayou.mp3
Hannah Sleigh Ride.mp3
Happy Animals 2.mp3
Happy Den Living.mp3
Hawk Flight ext1.mp3
Jackson Sunset Time-lapse to Sunrise Time-lapse.mp3
Jaguar at Waterhole.mp3
Luke's Lullaby.mp3
Marty Finds Fishers.mp3
Olympic Close.mp3
Open Theme Ext.mp3
Otter Trout Chase.mp3
Pacific Salmon Die After Spawning.mp3
Pelicans Fly Slo Mo.mp3
Pronghorn Mating.mp3
Ravens in Flight.mp3
Scorpion Chase to Late Night.mp3
Slo Mo Butterflies.mp3
The Rut.mp3
Trout and Red-Sided Shiners.mp3
Vultures Fly & Soar.mp3
Weasel Snowshoe Hare Slo Mo Chase.mp3
52 files
A Prairie Park.mp3
Alligator Nutria.mp3
Antlered Kingdom Introduction.mp3
Baby Bass.mp3
Baby Bids Mother Goodbye.mp3
Beautiful Butterflies.mp3
Brown Pelican Slo Mo.mp3
Bushytail Montage.mp3
Bushytails Art.mp3
Collard Lizard.mp3
Coots Loot Muskrat's Lodge.mp3
Cougar and the Grizzly.mp3
Coyote Cottontail.mp3
Cubs Play.mp3
Cubs Romp and Play.mp3
Cute Wolverine.mp3
Grizz and Marty.mp3
Happy Animals.mp3
Hummingbird & Flower.mp3
Main Theme Tease - The Predators.mp3
Map Animation.mp3
Marlboro Returns.mp3
Marty Feeds Cutthroat 2.mp3
McNeil Beggar Bears.mp3
Metamorphosis 2.mp3
Mr Goats Rockslide.mp3
Muskrat Mink Fight.mp3
Night Transition.mp3
Opening Theme Ext.mp3
Opposum Birth.mp3
Otter Hunts Frog.mp3
Pan Paintings.mp3
Pronghorn Carcass Time-lapse.mp3
Pronghorn Winter to Spring.mp3
Quills to Art.mp3
Swamp Bobcat Bull Frog Black Bear.mp3
The Fog.mp3
The Round-up.mp3
Underwater Intro Montage.mp3
Upside Down Wrestling w Scorpion.mp3
Weasel Wins.mp3
Whitetail Doe Gives Birth.mp3
Wild Wings Intro.mp3
Winter Filly Mustang Theme.mp3
Winter Storm.mp3
Wolf Ptarmigan.mp3
Wolverines Run & Pair Fights - Autumn.mp3
Wood Turtle Mate.mp3
Woodchuck Bonk.mp3
27 files
Amazing Legends Main Time-lapse mix 2.mp3
Amazing Legends Main Time-lapse.mp3
Aspen Tree Time-lapse.mp3
Chirachaua Scenic.mp3
Geese Chase Raccoon.mp3
Gila Monster Eats Quail Eggs.mp3
Goat Kids Play.mp3
Grasshopper Mice Attack Deermouse.mp3
Hawk Flight Ext 3.mp3
Hooked 2.mp3
Lion Hunt.mp3
Lynx Chase Hare Part A.mp3
Marty's Theme.mp3
McNeil Comic Bear Fight.mp3
McNeil Seagulls Quiet Interlude.mp3
Olympic Beauty.mp3
Pronghorn Intro.mp3
Red-tailed Hawk Baby Chipmunks.mp3
Reprise The Predators.mp3
Squirrel Hunting.mp3
Squirrel Mating Chase.mp3
The Rat Ext.mp3
Winter Scenic Spring flowers Sunset Ending.mp3
27 files
Animals Have a Bad Day.mp3
Bobcat Hare.mp3
Caribou Swim Lake and River.mp3
Cute Baby Weasels to Artwork.mp3
Eggs to Tadpoles.mp3
Finches at Tent.mp3
Fisher Chases Porcupine.mp3
Ground Squirrels.mp3
Gyrfalcon Hunting.mp3
Jaguar and Coatimundi.mp3
Main Theme Wacky Babies.mp3
Marty's Theme 2.mp3
Moose and Wolf Pups.mp3
Mother Quail Attacks Kestrel.mp3
Mt Scene.mp3
Newborn and The Eagle.mp3
Slo Mo Rabbit Fight to Artwork.mp3
Stallion Dance.mp3
Stallions Spar.mp3
The Time-lapse.mp3
27 files
Bear at Tent.mp3
Bighorn Slo Mo.mp3
Bobcat Prairie Chicken.mp3
Cougar Kittens Playing.mp3
Cougars Mate and Give Birth.mp3
Country Jam & Square Dance.mp3
Cub in Pack on Couch.mp3
Deer Running Bayou.mp3
Desert Rat and Time-lapse.mp3
Fishers Skunk.mp3
Frog Attacks Finch.mp3
Horse History.mp3
Limbo Rock.mp3
Man & Cub Leave Lean Too.mp3
Marty finds Pig Nest.mp3
Mustang Part 2 Intro Theme.mp3
Mustang Theme 2.mp3
Olympic Clouds & Water.mp3
Possums Exit and Scissortails.mp3
Proghorn Fight and Mating.mp3
Red-tailed to Bats Hunt at Night.mp3
Slo Mo Eagle Hunts Ducks.mp3
The Next Ten Years.mp3
Wild Turkeys Strutting.mp3
Woodie and Hoodies Intro.mp3
17 files
Bobcat with Mouse.mp3
Cougar Pair Chases Mule Deer Pair.mp3
Coyote chases Pronghorn Fawn Doe Rescue.mp3
Gator Music 1 & 2.mp3
Goshawk Red Squirrel Winter Chase.mp3
Gyrfalcon Ptarmigan.mp3
Olympic Elk Fight A.mp3
Olympic Elk Fight.mp3
Osprey Dive and Catch 3.mp3
Peregrine Falcon.mp3
Pronghorn Shed Horn.mp3
Raven's Challenge.mp3
Scissortail Flycatcher.mp3
Sheep & Coyote.mp3
Walking the Log.mp3
8 files
Bear Caribou.mp3
Cougar Bighorn.mp3
Multi-Color Montage B.mp3
Multi-Color Montage.mp3
PBS Demo.mp3